Sales Progression
First Floor, 23 Pensby Road, Heswall, Wirral, CH60 7RA
0151 342 1888
Mon - Fri: 9am - 5:30pm

A Sales Progression team are imperative in identifying and solving possible issues during the sale of property. They ensure a positive outcome for both seller and buyer. Spending every day chasing sales to ensure everything is moving along as it should be.
They also use their combined 271 years of experience to offer the best advice to both buyers and sellers. They are frequently responsible for holding sales together and ensuring completion dates are reached within the desired time limits.
The importance of having a dedicated Sales Progression Team cannot be over stated. Many people believe that once your sale has been agreed, that it’s a fairly simple process through to completion! However, the industry averages 1 in 3 of those sales will fall through. Having a dedicated team who are solely focussed on looking after sales helps to minimise the chances of your sales falling through. They will use their experience to guide you through what can be a fairly stressful process.
Our buyers and sellers alike, appreciate that they also have a dedicated Sales Progressor assigned to their sale with direct dial and email, ensuring each conversation is a continuation of the last one.